Almost Visible Orchestra (A.V.O.)







Edição de autor

Ficha Técnica

Todas as músicas e letras: Noiserv
Vozes convidadas: Rita Redshoes, Luísa Sobral, Esperi, Afonso Cabral & Salvador Menezes, Francisca Cortesão, Luís Nunes
Misturado por José Arantes no L-House Studio
Masterizado por: JJ Golden no Golden Mastering
Artwork: Noiserv
Ilustração: Diana Mascarenhas


Apoio à edição fonográfica de intérprete 2013


  • This is maybe the place where trains are going to sleep at night
  • Today is the same as yesterday, but yesterday is not today
  • It's easy to be a marathoner even if you are a carpenter
  • I'm not afraid of what i can't do
  • 47 seconds are enough if you only have one thing to do
  • Life is like a fried egg, once perfect everyone wants to destroy it
  • I will try to stop thinking about a way to stop thinking
  • It’s useless to think about something bad without something good to compare
  • I was trying to sleep when everyone woke up
  • Don't say hi if you don't have time for a nice goodbye